Why are finger plays great learning tools for young children?
- Finger plays make a body-mind connection.
- Most utilize music and rhythm, which helps build literacy.
- Most utilize rhymes, which help with phonological awareness.
- Many tell a story, and help children learn to organize their thoughts to tell a simple story/narrative themselves.
- All utilize sequences and many utilize number sequences.
- All encourage fine motor skill development.
- They’re engaging and fun!
Two Little Robins (c) 2013 Liz Buchanan
You can have some fun with the traditional “Two Little Birdies” rhyme by adding different birds and animals and rhyming names. You could also discuss consonant sounds by featuring the same initial consonant for the names, as I’ve done in my original version of the song, which you can download at this link: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lizbuchanan2
Two little robins, sitting in the tree
One named Rob and one named Ree
Fly Away Rob, Fly away, Ree
Come back Rob, come back Ree.
Tweet tweet tweet…
Two little bunnies, sitting on the hill
One named Bob, one named Bill
Hop away Bob, Hop away, Bill
Come back Bob, Come back Bill.
Hop, hop, hop…
Two little fishies, swimming in the sea
One named Fred and one named Fee
Swim away Fred, swim away Fee
Come back Fred, come back Fee.
Glub glub glub glub, splash ….
For even more creatures for the song, click here. For a visual element beyond using your fingers, add stick puppets with the initial consonant. This video shows the hand motions and the stick puppets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ6c9Tru9FM
Here is the Bee Hive (Traditional)
Here is the beehive, where are the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees
Watch them come creeping out of the hive
One and two and three four five!
See my video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbrkfvWvYE0
Turn this finger play into a “supersize” activity by having children act out the parts of the bees. Expand movement vocabulary by changing the word “creeping” to jumping, dashing, bounding, leaping, fluttering and stomping.