Category: Finger Plays
Moving and Shaking!
Start School with Songs for Literacy
Sing a Song of Spring
Counting on Spring!
Singing Traditional Songs & Rhymes for Literacy
As September draws closer, early education teachers everywhere are gathering their strategies to meet academic goals for our youngest kids. To prepare children for reading, traditional nursery rhymes remain a terrific tool. Sure, there are some you wouldn’t want to recite in today’s world, but many nursery songs and chants…
Making Musical Links with Literacy
I love making music with kids aged 3-6, especially pairing music with early literacy learning, which is a natural fit. I once taught at a preschool where the director told me: “Just have fun singing with the kids,” implying that they’d pick up the literacy learning elsewhere in their day….
Exploring Musical Opposites: High & Low
Two Fun Songs for Pre-Reading!
Parents & Children Can Sing Into Reading
Moving and Shaking!
Start School with Songs for Literacy
Sing a Song of Spring
Counting on Spring!
Singing Traditional Songs & Rhymes for Literacy

As September draws closer, early education teachers everywhere are gathering their strategies to meet academic goals for our youngest kids. To prepare children for reading, traditional nursery rhymes remain a terrific tool. Sure, there are some you wouldn’t want to recite in today’s world, but many nursery songs and chants…
Making Musical Links with Literacy
I love making music with kids aged 3-6, especially pairing music with early literacy learning, which is a natural fit. I once taught at a preschool where the director told me: “Just have fun singing with the kids,” implying that they’d pick up the literacy learning elsewhere in their day….