Finger Plays for Spring Days

Bee-illustrationBelow are two fun finger plays for spring days. Teachers can pair these with themes relating to gardens and growing plants, trees and flowers, reminding children that bees and worms play an important role in the life cycle of plants.



Here is the Beehive (traditional)

Here is the beehive, where are the bees?

Hiding away where nobody sees

Watch them come creeping out of the hive

One and two and three four five!


Here is a video that shows a simple “book” that I made for this song, followed by the finger-play motions.

I’m A Little Worm

By Liz Buchanan

I’m a little worm, I’m a little worm

And here is how I wiggle and squirm.

I go under the ground, under the ground

‘Cause that’s where all the worms are found!

Wiggle pointer finger for first verse.  Put pointer finger under palm of other hand.  On last line, push all five fingers out from under the palm.

Why are finger plays great learning tools for young children?

  • Finger plays make a body-mind connection.
  • Most utilize music and rhythm, which helps build literacy.
  • Most utilize rhymes, which help with phonological awareness.
  • Many tell a story, and help children learn to organize their thoughts to tell a simple story/narrative themselves.
  • All utilize sequences and many utilize number sequences.
  • All encourage fine motor skill development. This is especially important as children learn handwriting skills.
  • They’re engaging and fun!

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