This post recaps earlier posts from this blog about the “Two Little Robins” song and offers some stick-puppet materials!

I never tire of singing my version of “Two Little Blackbirds,” which I’ve changed to “Two Little Robins.” You can find a video of my presentation of this song here.
My version of the song helps young children become familiar with different starting consonant sounds. I recommend adding even more creatures to the song. Here are some of the verses I’ve used over the years, mainly with birds and fish, but you could easily add other animals.
Two little penguins out in the snow,
One named Peg and one named Poe.
Waddle off … (or swim away)
Two little hummingbirds down in the valley
One named Hettie and one named Halley
Hum away …
Two little Whippoorwills call in the night
One named Will and one named White
(Do whippoorwill call …)
Two little cardinals sitting on a pole
One named Cam and one named Cole
Fly away …
Two little mockingbirds, singing in the spring
One named Meg, one named Ming.
Mock away Meg … (Have mockingbirds mock other people’s songs)
Two toucans with a great big bill
One named Ted and one named Till
Fly away …
Two little jellyfish, swimming down below
One named Jane and one named Joe
Float away…
Two little ducks, swimming on the pond
One named Deb and one named Don
Swim away …
Two little eels, swimming by the reef
One named Ed, one named Eve
Slink away ….
Two big whales, lunching on some krill
One named Wes and one named Will
Swim away….
Two little goldfinches, sitting on the rail,
One named Gibb and one named Gail.
Fly away …
I will soon post another video about my own recent bird-watching, including the verses about the goldfinches and ducks that I’ve recently seen in my world in Vermont, where I’m currently staying. Stay tuned for a link!
You can use these pictures to create a stick-puppet show using pencils, popsicle sticks or any similar object you might have in your house.