It’s spring! Here in New England, we have a beautiful sunshine-y day outside, daffodils are blooming and everyone’s frolicking and eating popsicles.
I’m making a video of a spring song that I wrote with a Pre-K class a few years ago. I plan to post it on my Youtube Channel, LizBuchananMusic. This is a super-easy song to sing with young children because there are lots of call and response lines. You can hear the song by clicking this link.
Can you provide some awesome photos of kids who are having fun in the sun? Please take some pictures of your children and send them to me via the “Contact” page on this website. I will shower you with thanks! Be sure to give official permission by signing and taking a picture of this permission form, then returning it to me at the same link. Thanks for helping me create a beautiful spring video!
I give permission for photos of my child or children to appear in Liz Buchanan’s video of “Song of Spring,” which will be posted on a public Youtube channel of children’s music, “LizBuchananMusic” and may be shared on other social media.
Signed __________________________________________ Date __________________
Parent of ______________________________________ Photo credit? Yes No