Musical Fun with Two Robins
Rain, Rain, Let’s Play
Moving and Shaking!
Singing Our Dream for a Better World
My friend and fellow early childhood musician Susan Salidor of Chicago recently posted “Five Rules of the Subversive Preschool Music Specialist” (copied in full at the end of this post). She encouraged her fellow music teachers not to shy away from singing about social justice and to encourage self-respect, kindness…
Highlights of 2019 in my Musical Life
Opposites in October – Part 2
October can be a month of opposites. Where I live, sometimes the weather is warm in October, and sometimes it feels quite cold. Sometimes the wind blows softly and sometimes it’s loud, whipping and whistling through the trees. Sometimes the leaves move fast, dancing and whirling, and sometimes they float…
Opposites in October – Part 1
Had a Bad Day in Music? Read This.
This is for all the music teachers who have endured a “bad day,” especially at the start of the school year. I have been teaching music for young children for more than twenty years, and those days still happen to me. One of them was today. But upon reflection, most…